Lena Zipp, Dr.
- Lab-Koordinatorin DLL
- Programmkoordination Bachelor und Master of Arts Programme
- Studienberatung
- Raumbezeichnung
- AFL-K-523
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Lab Coordinator at Balthasar Bickel's Distributional Linguistics Lab
Study Advisor and program coordinator at the Department of Comparative Language Science
CAS degree in Research Management from the Zentrum für Universitäre Weiterbildung at the University of Bern.
As a sociolinguist in my former academic career, my research interests lie in the concept of intra-speaker variation (stylistic variation), language attitudes, identity construction, and speaker awareness.
Together with Ruth Kircher, I edited Research Methods in Language Attitudes (July 2022), the first interdisciplinary guide to traditional and cutting-edge methods for the investigation of language attitudes. The book provides an introduction to attitude theory, helps readers choose an appropriate method, and guides through research planning and design, data collection, and analysis. Chapters include step-by-step instructions to illustrate and facilitate the use of the different methods as well as case studies from a wide range of linguistic contexts. The book also goes beyond individual methods by offering guidance on how to research attitudes in multilingual and signing communities, based on historical data, with the help of priming, and by means of mixed-methods approaches.
My corpus-based research on lexico-grammar in Fiji English focuses on linguistic nativization in prepositional verb phrases. It provides an exhaustive description of the status and internal variation of this young post-colonial variety, and contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of variety formation in a multi-ethnic setting (Educated Fiji English: Lexico-grammar and variety status).